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إدارة الموقع

2500 ZDZ to transfer corpses of Algerian expatriates to homeland

2500 ZDZ to transfer corpses of Algerian expatriates to homeland

Secretary of State in charge of Algerian community abroad, Belkacem Sahli, announced the launch of a new procedure for the benefit of the community residing abroad, which is ecuring the transfer of the bodies of the dead to homeland, with the adoption of price reductions,

as the cost of transporting the body of the recipient of this service, to be provided by the ministry in coordination with insurance company, preservation and Health “Saps”, with 2500 dinars per individual, and rising the cost to 5000 dinars for the couple, and 6000 AD to a couple and a child up to four children.

The financial value of 9000 dinars rise a maximum for a big family, whatever the number of its members, which is a monetary value to be paid annually over the bank account or through Internet.

Sahli said, on Tuesday, in a press conference held with “Saps” company representative at the Foreign Ministry, that the new procedure is part of improving the issue of transfer of the bodies from the outside, as it can for those wishing to take advantage of this service to register

at the company’s site and pay up, as the company also ensures paying the cost of transport to a companion of the dead person back and forth, and ensures the transfer of the body of the deceased from the place of death to the place of burial and all procedure including administrative.

“Every Algerian residing abroad should register and benefit from this procedure even if it comes to “illegal immigrants”, as this does not require that the person concerned is registered with the consulate.

Associations can also register collectively, as the company acknowledges cuts for ssociations, which increases the number of its members to 50 people, which is the same regard for the elderly who benefit from reductions in the cost of transportation”.

The minister announced that the bodies of the family that died in a French suburb in a tragic accident after gas leak, reach home this Thursday, while the ministry is expected to begin in the delivery of bio-metric passports to their respective owners of the Algerian

community abroad, starting from January 15, on the level of 7 consulates in France, which are Tunisia and Montreal, before generalizing the process on all consulates, as 24 November 2015 is fixed as the deadline for generating bio-metric identity documents.

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