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إدارة الموقع

Ahmed Attaf: We Cannot Stand idly by While Sahrawis Suffer

Walid.A / English version: Dalila Henache
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Ahmed Attaf: We Cannot Stand idly by While Sahrawis Suffer

Algeria is constantly keen and determined to complete the collective African effort, in fulfilment of African ideals, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the National Community Abroad, Ahmed Attaf, confirmed on Sunday stressing its firm commitment to actively contributing to achieving the goals of the 2063 Agenda.

Minister Attaf’s address was read on his behalf at the Ministry’s building by Secretary-General Lounes Magramane, who supervised the activities celebrating “Africa Day 2024”, the anniversary of the founding of the Organization of African Unity.

Attaf said that “Algeria, which is proud of its African affiliation, is keen, under the leadership of the President Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, and determined to complete the collective African effort, continue to consolidate the gains achieved, and enhance the progress recorded at many levels”.

The minister highlighted that the matter comes “in fulfilment of the African ideals in their three dimensions; the liberation, development and integration,” noting that “believing in the importance of sustainable development as a fundamental driver of peace, stability and prosperity on the African continent, Algeria affirms its firm commitment to actively contribute to achieving the goals of the 2063 Agenda by focusing on enhancing cooperation and partnerships between African countries in various fields.”

He explained that Algeria has committed by launching many concrete projects and initiatives, such as “supporting development projects in various sisterly African countries through the Algerian Agency for International Cooperation for Solidarity and Development, and by continuing to implement real integration projects for regional and continental infrastructure.”

Among the projects, he mentioned the fibre optic connectivity with Niger, Nigeria, Chad, Mali and Mauritania, the completion of the gas pipeline that runs from Nigeria through Niger and Algeria to Europe, the establishment of a railway linking Algeria to Bamako and Niamey, the trans-Saharan road project connecting the cities of Tindouf, Algeria, and Zouerate in Mauritania.

Based on its conviction that achieving sustainable development requires a stable and secure environment, Attaf explained that “Algeria has remained devoted to tireless initiatives to resolve conflicts, establish security, and combat the phenomena of terrorism, violent extremism, and transnational organized crime in its neighbourhood and throughout Africa.”

“Despite these achievements, our path will remain unchanged. It will be complete as long as we do not completely get rid of the spectre of these scourges, and before that, unless we achieve the original goal of the founding fathers to achieve freedom and emancipation from abhorrent colonialism for the benefit of all African peoples,” he added.

From this standpoint, Attaf continued, “Today we cannot stand idly by in the face of the suffering of a brotherly people which is still living under occupation in the last African colony, Western Sahara,” calling for “the realization of the right of the Sahrawi people to justice and self-determination, a right that is inalienable and imprescriptible, so that we can turn the last page of the history of colonialism in our dear continent.”

He also recalled what is happening in Gaza; “Recent events in the world have demonstrated the extent of the weakness of the role that the Security Council is supposed to play in maintaining international peace and security and in creating them, and the bereaved Gaza is nothing but a witness to the double standards of this Council. The recent crimes of the occupation, as always, do not require mere condemnation, but rather require us to unite our ranks.”

Attaf called for “collective action to end this tragedy, in commitment to our shared principles and values against colonialism, oppression, and apartheid, and the historically established African solidarity with the Palestinian people in their legitimate quest to achieve freedom and establish their independent state, which is the goal that Algeria is working hard to achieve before international decision-making bodies in full coordination with all supporters of this just cause.”

The Minister returned to mention that “Algeria today, through the mandate entrusted to it in the Security Council, remains fully committed to coordination, cooperation and solidarity with its African brothers, and is fully committed to adhering to the right approach that was established through our previous agreements, which is to unify the voice of our continent and enhance its positive influence in the highest international body whose mission is defending peace and security in the world and other international bodies and forums.”

“This is what makes us, at the same time,” Attaf concluded, “believe in the inevitability of achieving a more representative and democratic international system. A system through which the harm of this historically oppressed continent can be redressed, the continent of Africa, which is most present with its tragedies in the Security Council, and Africa, the least represented among its non-permanent members, and absent or neglected completely from its permanent membership, contrary to the spirit of the United Nations Charter regarding the principle of equitable geographical representation, there is no longer any doubt that the current composition of the security council no longer reflects the current reality nor the challenges.”

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