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إدارة الموقع

Algeria counts 34.8 million inhabitants

Algeria counts 34.8 million inhabitants

The number of Algerians living in Algeria is estimated at 34.8 million including 5 million and 776,441 families. A total of 71 percent of them are distributed in main urban compounds, 15.7 percent in secondary and 13 percent in scattered areas, said Algeria’s National Offices of Statistics Monday.

  • The average of individuals in one family is 9.5 compared to 6.6 in 1998. Nomad families count 7.7 members, according to the same source.
  • The National Offices of Statistics said there is an increase of 28.5 percent in occupied housing compounds compared to 1998. Their number which reached 2 million and 776,642 in 1998 went up to 3 million and 749,768 in 2008.

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