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Algerian boxer Naoufel Ouatah confesses to Echorouk

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Algerian boxer Naoufel Ouatah confesses to Echorouk
Boxer Naoufel Ouatah

The Algerian boxer, Naoufel Ouatah paid a visit to “Echorouk” newspaper and kindly accepted to answer the reporter’s questions in which he took the veil off several shadowy zones concerning his last participation in Pekin’s Olympic Games

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  • Some were against my participation with the Algerian delegation.
  • The athletes declared that he was “A” class boxer in the French championship since the beginning of his career, raising the Algerian specialists’ interest crowned by a first selection in the 2002, but some parties tried to persuade him not to do it” A French coach born to Algerian origins asked from me not to go to Algeria and stay in France” he said.
  • He offered France the bronze medal in Almeria’s games.
  • Amazingly enough, Naoufel represented the French squad in the 2005 Mediterranean games which took place the Spanish Almeria and snatched the bronze medal, but declared that he always felt himself committed to his native country and was always spending time with his Algerian fellow citizens in the Olympic village…” I woukd rather pull out than face an Algerian boxer because I cannot admit a defeat of any Algerian”, he said.
  • Naoufel added that he has always dreamt of being part of the Algerian squad despite his experience with the French one, and his choice caused him troubles with the international boxing Association.
  • The boxer said that he made up his mind to join the Algerian squad the day he talked on the phone with Algerian Boxing Association’s president, Mohammed Soltani who gave him three days to think about the issue, but the boxer had already fixed the matter.
  • I was denied participation to the world Championships.
  • The athlete is still unable to explain the real reasons that prevented him from taking part in the last year’s world championships in Chicago saying” Despite my good form I was denied participation to these games so were my fellow boxers at the end”.
  • I consulted Antar Yahia before representing my country.
  • The boxer said that he seized the opportunity of taking part to a boxing tournament in Bastia, to ask pieces of advice from the Algerian football international, Antar Yahia who immediately comforted my first opinion.
  • He added that he has never regretted his decision to quit the French squad for the Algerian one despite numerous problems at the beginning.
  •  Naoufel Ouatah went on saying that it was very hard to snatch a medal in the Olympic Games if you didn’t take part in the world championships that was the mistake the Algerian delegation fell in.

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