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Algerian-Moroccan borders will remain closed till further notice: Official says

الشروق أونلاين
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Algerian-Moroccan borders will remain closed till further notice: Official says
M Abdelaziz Belkhadem

The National Liberation Front party leader, Abdelaziz Belkahdem has declared that the question of reopening frontiers with Morocco is not on the agenda and will remain closed until reaching an agreement over a series of pending issues between the two neighboring countries.

  • Talking yesterday on a TV set, M Belkhadem recalled the real reasons that led to the closing down of the borders between Morocco and Algeria in 1994, following allegations that accused the Algerian authorities of masterminding   the terrorist attacks on Marrakech.
  • Investigations carried out by French experts have refuted these allegations and cleared Algeria of all charges after the arrest of the perpetrators of the massacre.
  • The former Prime Minister went on saying that it was inappropriate, for the time being, to talk about the reopening of the borders without a prior agreement over highly strategic issues, dealing with security cooperation, contraband and illegal immigration.
  • But, M Belkhadem added, the borders will reopen exceptionally whenever necessary, referring to the special operation concerning the humanitarian aids destined to the distressed people of Gaza that have to cross the Algerian soil to reach their final destination.
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