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Haifa Wahbe refused to present her life story

الشروق أونلاين
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Haifa Wahbe refused to present her life story

The famous Lebanese artist Haifa Wahbi put red lines for directors on her future cinema project and video clip that she intends to films. The first condition was never to present her as a belly dancer or performing seductive and hot scenes. She said that her husband is very jealous and she doesn’t want to cause any troubles with him.


  • According to the Jordanian daily Al Rai, Haifa wishes to star in a new cinema film alongside Egyptian actor Ahmad Helmi, but on one condition to be a comedy because she likes comedy very much. She also considers the young Egyptian superstar Tamer Hosny as the best artist because he was able to present the young Egyptian guy in great simplicity.
  • On the other hand, Haifa denied presenting a new program like “Al Helm” that talk about the life of the famous Egyptian artist Amr Diab. She said that the rumor is not true and that her life can’t bare a whole program done about it, because she is still in the beginning of her musical career.
  •  Haifa requested that the press should stop spreading such rumors and said that she has not really made any great accomplishments during her life worth creating a film about unlike the lives of famous stars like “Fairouze” “Faten Hamameh” and “Hind Rostem” whose life stories should be told.


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