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Pegasus Scandal: Spanish Justice Insists On Continuing Investigation

Mohamed Moslem / English version: Dalila Henache
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Pegasus Scandal: Spanish Justice Insists On Continuing Investigation

Although it seems outward to live in a state of stability, Moroccan-Spanish relations are likely to collapse at any moment, due to the mines that threaten them, such as the Pegasus spyware scandal, illegal immigration, and Moroccan enclaves that the Kingdom of Spain has colonized for centuries.

After the government of Pedro Sanchez decided to turn a blind eye to the Moroccan intelligence spying on its president’s phone via the Zionist software “Pegasus”, in return for the Moroccan makhzen’s regime accepting to play the role of the gendarmerie on the Spanish borders to confront illegal immigrants, as well as silence on the colonial enclaves, the deep state in Spain appears to be not yet ready to follow the path of the deal concluded by Sanchez’s Socialist Party with the Moroccan regime.

The Spanish justice, which is an independent authority of the government in Madrid, decided to proceed with the investigation that it launched more than a year ago into a scandal that exposed the phone of Pedro Sanchez to spying by Moroccan intelligence, along with the phone of Defense Minister Margarita Robles and Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska, by directing second judicial deputation proceedings for the Zionist government in Tel Aviv, to allow the judge in charge of this file to move to the occupied Palestinian territories, to listen to officials of the Zionist company that developed the Pegasus spyware after this demand was ignored for obtaining the first affidavit that was sent about a year ago.

In this regard, the official in investigation room No. 4, Jose Luis Calama, agreed to extend the investigation until a response from the Zionist authorities will be given to the delegation sent to Tel Aviv to complete the investigation into this scandal, according to what was reported by the Spanish news agency “Europa Press”.

Spanish judicial authorities announced the extension of the investigation into the scandal of Moroccan intelligence spying on the phone of the prime minister and two of his senior ministers (defence and interior), at a time when tension returned to relations between Madrid and Rabat, due to the Moroccan enclaves occupied by Spain. About a week ago, the chairman of the Moroccan Council of Advisors, Al-Na’am Mayara, came out to confirm that his country would recover the occupied cities of Ceuta and Melilla.

Spanish response did not last long, and it came in a strong message from a senior official in the government, represented by the Minister of Defense, Margarita Robles, stressing: “Ceuta and Melilla are two Spanish cities,” the Spanish official added: “The government is clear, there is no discussion on this issue, there is no possibility of discussion.”

Amid the controversy left by this debate, observers recalled the leaks that talked about the gains that Madrid reaped from changing its position on the Sahrawi issue in a way that supports the proposal of the Moroccan Makhzen regime, and those leaks talked about forfeiting Rabat in the cities of Ceuta and Melilla to the Spaniards in return for their departure from the neutrality zone in the Sahrawi issue, which considered the Moroccan official’s statements a violation of the terms of the agreement that re-established bridges between the two countries after nearly a year of estrangement.

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