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إدارة الموقع

Preliminary Proposals To Upgrade The Status Of Journalists And Media Practitioners

Asma Bahlouli /*/ English Version: Med.B.
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Preliminary Proposals To Upgrade The Status Of Journalists And Media Practitioners

The parliamentary bloc of the National Democratic Rally at the National People’s Assembly probed the pulse of media professionals in the country, to find out their general orientations regarding the new media laws that were recently revealed to the Zighoud Youssef building, which poured most of them into the field of expanding the margin of freedoms and improving professional conditions.
The RND party listened to the opinions and proposals of the journalists, during a session organized, on Wednesday, at the bloc’s headquarters, pending that the meetings be circulated among other groups in Parliament during the coming days, in a step that precedes the presentation of the new media bill before the specialized committee.
Most of the statements made by journalists and parliamentarians alike focused on the need to expedite the issuance of the basic law regulating the profession, given that the professional and social rights of media practitioners are not clear in the new law, especially with regard to professions related to journalistic activity, as they are not mentioned in the law – according to them.
Whereas, according to Article 19 of the new media law, “the various categories of journalists, press assistants, and professions related to journalistic activity are specified in the basic law for journalists, as this is determined through regulation.”
On the other hand, the participants stressed the need to raise the years of experience from 5 to 6 years, provided that it is followed by special training for the benefit of journalists, as stated in the text of Article 17 of the law: “Any person who practices journalistic activity within the meaning of this organic law is considered a professional journalist, provided that he submits a certificate.”
The deputies believe that it is the journalist’s right to refrain from mentioning his source while editing a press article or presenting news in any media, whether audiovisual or even electronic, and this contradicts – according to them – with the text of the article that states: “Professional secret is a journalist’s right in accordance with the legislation and regulation in force.”
However, professional secrecy is not considered before the judiciary.” Also, “the new law, according to the deputies, stipulated that every news published or broadcast by a media outlet must include the name of its owner or a reference to its original source.”
Furthermore, the participants expressed their fear of the text of Article 22 due to the delay in issuing accreditation with regard to Algerian journalists who work for a foreign media outlet, as the article stipulates: “A journalist who works in Algeria for a media outlet subject to foreign law is required to obtain accreditation in advance.”
The statements of journalists and parliamentarians did not differ much with regard to a draft law related to the written and electronic press, as they demanded an increase in the years of experience to 7 years and the granting of new facilities for the benefit of the journalist in order to be freed from the restrictions imposed on him while practicing the profession, calling at the same time to reconsider the penalties imposed on Journalists, which would constitute an obstacle to journalistic work.
For reference, the rest of the parliamentary blocs are preparing, beginning next week, to receive specialists, professionals, and representatives of the media sector, to discuss the new draft media laws, which will be the first legislative texts that will pass through Parliament in the course of this year.

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