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Zionist lobby attacks the dean of the Paris Mosque despite his criticism of the resistance

Mohamed Meslem /English Version: Med.B.
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Zionist lobby attacks the dean of the Paris Mosque despite his criticism of the resistance

Despite his adherence to some extremist Zionist visions, such as the condemnation of the Palestinian resistance operation against the usurping entity last October 7, the Dean of the Grand Mosque of Paris, Shamseddine Hafiz, was not spared from the attacks of the Zionist lobby in France after his meeting with the Palestinian refugee and activist Rima Hassan. Hassan is a candidate for the Proud France party in the European Parliament elections scheduled for June 9th.
Shamseddine Hafiz was severely attacked by the Zionist lobby in France, represented by one of its branches known as the “International League to Combat Racism and Anti-Semitism”, after he received the Palestinian human rights activist Rima Hassan, head of the Refugee Camps Observatory.
A statement from the Zionist-leaning organization Lycra, which had previously established a partnership with the Paris Mosque, said: “We were very surprised by the enthusiastic reception of Rima Hassan at the Grand Mosque of Paris on May 22 by its dean, Shams al-Din Hafeez.” The reason for this surprise, according to the statement of the organization defending Zionism, is that Rima Hassan, a candidate for the European Parliament elections, defends “extremist pro-Palestinian positions” in the face of the barbaric and brutal Zionist aggression against the Palestinian people.
This Zionist organization also accuses Rima Hassan of being among those who call for an uprising in French universities and abroad against the brutal practices of the Zionist entity against the oppressed Palestinian people. For this organization, the reception of the Dean of the Paris Mosque for Human Rights leads to the cessation of the cooperation between the Zionist organization and the Grand Mosque of Paris.
The Zionist Organization’s statement ignored any reference to the crimes committed by the army of the usurping entity against the Palestinians with the utmost impertinence, which shows that the leaders of the racist organization look in only one direction, which is to justify the unjustified, while accusing anyone who expresses his rejection of the barbaric crimes committed by the Zionist entity against the Palestinians. These are crimes whose perpetrators are slowly being condemned by the world, even by those who have defended Tel Aviv with all their might, stripped of everything that has to do with human morality.
On the other hand, the Grand Mosque in Paris expressed its denunciation of the accusations made by the extremist Zionist organization Lycra, and a statement by the mosque on the “X” platform (formerly Twitter) stated that the mosque “strongly denounces the accusations directed against it by the International League Against Racism and Anti-Semitism Lycra, regarding the positions taken by the dean of the mosque, Shamseddine Hafiz, against the statements of the journalist Philippe Vale, who has been prosecuted.
The Paris Grand Mosque reminded the Zionist Organization that “free criticism of ideas and beliefs does not allow the radicalization and stigmatization of one of the components of our national society (referring to the Muslim community). When Philippe Valle speaks of a religion that “wants to exist through terrorism”, he confuses it with the terrorism it manipulates. In doing so, he makes all our Muslim citizens vulnerable to past or potential acts of violence. It is our duty to respond to such speech, and our right to bring it to justice.
Three years ago, Lycra signed a partnership agreement with the Grand Mosque of Paris for joint action to combat racism, Islamophobia and anti-Semitism. However, Shams al-Din Hafeez’s reception of French human rights and political activist Rima Hassan prompted the leaders of this Zionist organization to end this bilateral agreement. This confirms its rejection of any criticism or condemnation of the Zionist entity, even if it is waging a war of annihilation against the defenseless Palestinian people.

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