
ANP Army Renews Its Commitment To Neutrality In Presidential Polls Of April 18th 2019

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The national military establishment (ANP) has stated its readiness to secure the presidential elections scheduled for next April 18th 2019 by enabling voters to carry out their duties towards their country in normal conditions and in a safe environment.

 The military establishment in the editorial of the ANP  magazine “El Djeich” , for the month of February, pledged its neutrality in the upcoming presidential elections, adding that “the election date of April 18th will be another occasion, the National People’s Army to confirm through its high efficiency in securing such national dates and its readiness to make this democratic  event a full success by enabling voters to accomplish their duties towards their homeland in normal circumstances and in a safe environment. “

 The editorial of the magazine, the mouthpiece of the military institution, also recalled the constitutional tasks of the military establishment, which is to maintain national independence and defend national sovereignty.

“This endeavor stems from the very keenness of the National Popular Army ANP to dutifully live up to its responsibilities towards the country and the Algerian people”, it said.

 “Among its tasks is the basic Army, its dedication to work for our country so as to make its people enjoy security and to pursue its march forward on the path of national edification, by placing the supreme interests of the nation above any other considerations, and putting Algeria at the heart of its strenuous development efforts at more than one level,” El Djeich added.

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