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Morocco has failed miserably in its attempt to cancel participation of the SADR in “BRICS” summit.

Abdeslam Sekia //*/ English Version: Med.B.
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Morocco has failed miserably in its attempt to cancel participation of the SADR in “BRICS” summit.

Morocco has failed miserably in its attempt to cancel the participation of the Sahrawi Republic in the “BRICS” African meeting that began in Johannesburg, South Africa.
The Moroccan side had tried to convince some members of the group to oppose the participation of the SADR in this meeting (especially India and Brazil). However, despite all its maneuvers, the Kingdom of Morocco was unable to achieve its goals and failed humiliatingly, since the decisions of the BRICS group are taken unanimously.
In order to hide its failure, Morocco published, through its official agency, a news report quoting an “authorized source” claiming that “it was a meeting organized on the basis of a unilateral initiative of the South African government”.
The advisor to the Sahrawi presidency, Al-Nana Labat Al-Rashid, commented on the Sahrawi presence at the “BRICS” summit and the absence of Morocco under the pretext of its unwillingness to become a member of the economic community, saying: “In Tunisia, a year ago, the Moroccan occupation left its seat in the African Union vacant during the proceedings of the summit.”
The African-Japanese Union “TICAD”, due to the presence of the Sahrawi Republic, and no one cared about its absence, Tunisia did not lose its principles, and the magic of its propaganda turned against it, “BRICS”; the international gathering that promises to pull the rug from under the Western hegemony, this year also witnesses the vacancy of the Moroccan seat again, in protest also against the presence of the Sahrawi state.
And the Sahrawi official went on to say: “The similarity between the BRICS day and yesterday’s is almost obvious, so the size of the media whirlwind that provoked the Moroccan occupation is the same. Tunisia witnessed a sharp Moroccan attack, during which diplomatic relations were severed and the trumpets of the Makhzen regime considered Tunisia biased towards the Sahrawi cause after a long period of neutrality. Today, South Africa is also witnessing the fire in the alleys of the Moroccan media in which South Africa, is called with the ugliest of epithets.
The spokeswoman stressed: “BRICS is very similar to TICAD, and Tunisia is different from South Africa except for one partial detail, which is that the latter declares its permanent and unwavering support for the right of the Sahrawi people, and it is one of its strong traditional allies. But it and Tunisia are countries of principles and values that do not put their charters up for auction to the Moroccan occupation” and its lackeys”.
She pointed out: “The (BRICS) summit in Johannesburg is attended by Sahrawi President Ibrahim Ghali, invited by the host country, like many leaders of the African continent, and Morocco is absent as if it had never attended, leaving the whips of its propaganda brothels null in the absence.”
South African President Cyril Ramaphosa said in a statement on the eve of the BRICS conference: “The freedom we have won imposes a duty on us to support the struggles of those who still suffer from colonialism and racial oppression, and that is why we will continue to support the struggles of the peoples of Palestine and Western Sahara.” .
The South African President’s statement confirms the convergence and the positions of the Member States on the Western Sahara and Palestine files, which are the same positions that Algeria shares with both Russia and China, which affirm the right of the Palestinian people to establish an independent and sovereign Palestinian state with Al-Quds Sharif as its capital.
The issue of Western Sahara is considered as an decolonization issue in the hands of the United Nations, which requires the implementation of international law and the granting of the legitimate right of the Sahrawi people to self-determination and the establishment of their independent state on all their lands.

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