
MP: 535 French Soldiers Were Killed In Algeria Between 1962 And 1964

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A French parliamentarian said that tens of thousands of French soldiers who worked in Algeria after the Evian agreements had taken part in real hostilities and that Algeria’s independence in July 1962 did not mean the end of the fighting.
MP Claude de Gagny made the remarks on Thursday in a public debate devoted to studying a bill that would give financial compensations to those French troops who worked in Algeria between July 2, 1962 and July 1, 1964.
The relevant video, which was seen by “Echorouk” during the MP’s intervention, said that France lost 535 soldiers during their duties in Algeria after July 2, 1962 until July 1, 1964, after participating in real battles of war.
According to the French deputy, the number of French soldiers killed in Algeria during that period (spanning over two years) was higher 10 times than the number of those killed in the framework of the military missions of the French troops in Afghanistan at the turn of the millennium.
The same MP stressed that the French soldiers who worked in Algeria during that period were “real warriors” and lived the events of the end of the war and beyond, adding that they should benefit from the card of war veterans.
For his part, MP and Rapporteur of the parliamentary Commission, Gilles Lorton, confirmed that the financial cost of this impending measure is estimated at 18.6 million euros, more than 200 billion centimes in national currency.

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