
Algeria’s Reasons For Immediate Suspension of the Friendship Treaty With Spain

Echoroukonline / English version: Dalila Henache
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Algeria decided, here on Wednesday, to suspend the 2-decades Friendship, Cooperation and Good Neighborliness Treaty concluded on October 8, 2002, with Spain.

The Algerian Presidency of the Republic published a statement saying; “the Spanish authorities launched a campaign to justify the position they adopted regarding Western Sahara, which contradicts its legal, moral and political obligations as a managing force for the region, which still rests with the Kingdom of Spain until the United Nations will announce the completion of the decolonization of Western Sahara”.

“These same authorities, which bear the responsibility for the unjustified shift in their position since the statements of March 18, 2022, through which the current Spanish government provided its full support for the illegal and illegitimate formula for internal self-government proposed by the occupying power, are working to perpetuate the colonial de facto policy using fake justifications”, the statement added.

“The position of the Spanish government is inconsistent with the international legitimacy imposed on it by its position as a managing force and with the efforts of the United Nations and the new personal envoy of the Secretary-General, and it directly contributes to the deterioration of the situation in Western Sahara and the entire region”, the Algerian presidency of the republic explained.

Accordingly, Algeria decided to immediately suspend the Treaty of Friendship, Good-neighbourliness and Cooperation concluded on October 8, 2002, with the Kingdom of Spain, which has been framing until today the development of relations between the two countries.

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