
Belani to Moroccan Ambassador In Geneva: “The Rope Of Lying Is Short”

Echoroukonline /*/ English Version: Med.B 
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Reaction of the special envoy, Amar Belani, to the remarks of the Moroccan ambassador in Geneva, on the alleged support of Hezbollah to the Polisario Front of Western Sahara.

“The fabric of some Moroccan diplomats is a fabric of lies that they knit tirelessly, especially when they are cornered by the pressing calls from groups supporting the just cause of the people of Western Sahara,” said a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

“The Moroccan ambassador whose name you mention, as well as his predecessor, are “stakhanovists” of crude manipulation.

They are masters in the art of recycling the shameless lies of their minister who had invented from scratch, in May 2018, the grotesque fable of Hezbollah instructors; this had been deconstructed and denied in fact.

It is recalled that the Kingdom of Morocco was looking for a pretext to announce the severance of diplomatic relations with a Middle Eastern country (Iran) and thus reap dividends from certain regional and extra-regional partners.

All this is to say that the string of lies is short, that the Moroccan ambassador’s remarks are irrelevant and that the mobilization in Geneva will grow to denounce the repression, the methodical and deliberate violations of human rights in the occupied territories of Western Sahara”.

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