Education staff, victims of Algeria tragedy ask for reintegration

Dismissed teachers complain of non-approval on their reintegration or compensation.
Algerian education personnel including teachers, workers, and proctors dismissed for terror charges presented a petition to President Abdelaziz Bouteflika to decide again in their 27,000 Algerian dinars compensations as part of the Charter for Peace and National Reconciliation.
The staff complains that their unemployment allowance will finish in 2009’s summer especially that most of them are responsible for families.
The education employees who were prosecuted for belonging to the banned-Islamic Salvation party or not denouncing a terrorist group say “they are not terrorists.”
In a meeting with some of their representatives, they complained of non-approval on their reintegration or compensation. “The law is clear and it does not exclude any one who meets all reintegration conditions.”
Earlier, the staff wrote to the head of Human Rights body in Algeria to handle their problems. They were promised to solve them.
According to a close source, those persons were acquitted and they are due to be reintegrated into their positions.
A total of 1,200 employees in Algeria were dismissed between 1995 and 1997.