
Extremists Call For Severing Ties Between Algeria, Its Community In France

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Conspiracies that are led by the French Zionist lobbies are known for their hostility to the Algerian community and other Muslim communities, and have objectives that are publicly known to embody this plot, the former French Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, said.

Manuel Valls, who served as Prime Minister in the last government of the former French President, François Hollande, called for the restructuring of the “French and European” Islam, in a way that sever the bonds of communication between Muslims who are residing on French soil and their countries of origin, including Algeria, which counts millions of its community in this country.

“We must build a French or European Islam, and we must sever all ties with the third world countries, even the countries of Africa, Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco”, Valls told France Presse.

Valls is a French MP and he has joined the French party “En Marche” that is led by French President Emmanuel Macron, and has refused to continue receiving imams from Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco at a banquet that was organized by a businessmen organization.

Valls speaks about the specifications that must be available in the Muslims in his country, saying: “If we want a French Islam who respects the Republic and the rule of law, equality between men and women, freedom to change belief and freedom of belief, we must help those who are fighting the Muslim Brotherhood, and who are fighting Salafists, and we must identify enemies.”

Manuel Wals is one of the 300 most prominent figures who signed a petition demanding the adoption of a “French” Koran, along with other Zionists such as the former French President, Nicolas Sarkozy, the French-Jewish-Armenian singer Charles Aznavour and some of Islam’s followers, including the Algerian “Zionist” novelist, Boualem Sansal.

Among the demands that were put forward by these figures, the overthrow of the Koranic verses that speak of Jihad, and the call to follow the Vatican’s misrepresentation of the Bible in response to the demands of a group of “Zionist Politicians” who want to shape the world according to their ideas and orientations, under the cover of anti-semitism.

Another group of French that includes Christians and Jews who reject Zionist ideas and trends, among them the famous historian, Gilles Monceron, and the artists, Alain Cyroulnik and Philippe Cyroulnik, of Jewish origin, responded to Valls’ petition entitled “Fighting Racism, Anti-Semitism and Islam”.

The petition denounced the racist anti-Islam slogans, and said: “While Europe is living on the rise of racist attacks against Islam and the Semitism, we condemn and fight against anti-Semitism and all forms of criminal and racist acts under this slogan ..”.

Signatories to the petition refused to remain silent about the crimes that are related to identity and race, and to fall into the trap of justifying such crimes, which means, among what it means, allowing the crimes that are out of date, and that the attacks on the French are of Maghreb and African origin, which are fed from the political speech that is full of organized accusations against immigrants and refugees.

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