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إدارة الموقع

Sahrawi Ambassador: “The Military Option Combined With Diplomacy To Break The Stalemate”

S.A. / English Version: Med.B.
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Sahrawi Ambassador: “The Military Option Combined With Diplomacy To Break The Stalemate”

The Ambassador of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic to Algeria, His Excellency Mr. Abdelkader Taleb Omar, expressed the gratitude of the Sahrawi people and their government for the position of the new Algeria, led by the President of the Republic, Mr. Abdelmadjid Tebboune, in support of just causes in the world, most notably the Sahrawi issue as a matter of decolonization in accordance with the regulations of the United Nations and the Charter of the African Union.
The Sahrawi ambassador said, during his hosting of the “Illuminations” program of the Algerian Radio Multimedia, that the meeting that the President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, granted with his Sahrawi counterpart, Ibrahim Ghali, recently in Algiers, was very fruitful and was an opportunity in which President Tebboune renewed his commitment to supporting the struggle of the Sahrawi people for Gaining freedom and independence through a free and fair referendum for self-determination in accordance with the regulations of international legitimacy.
The ambassador continued, saying, “President Abdelmadjid Tebboune was keen to emphasize during that meeting the consistency of Algeria’s position on the Sahrawi issue, as it is a just issue because Algeria’s position is consistent with international legitimacy and the regulations of the African Union, which stipulate not to infringe upon the borders inherited from colonialism.”
Ambassador Abdelkader Taleb Omar also revealed that the Sahrawi people are soon preparing to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the beginning of the struggle and the struggle led by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Saguia El Hamra and Oued Eddahab in order to restore sovereignty and recognize the Polisario Front as the sole legitimate representative of the Sahrawi people.
He continued, saying, “Our people continue to make sacrifices and are exposed daily to persecution inside the occupied cities and villages, to all forms of torture inside the occupation prisons, and to the confiscation of the lands of Sahrawis, at a time when the Makhzen regime continues to procrastinate, deny the international peace plan, and promote the self-rule proposal, with the blatant complicity of some countries and permanent member powers In the UN Security Council.”
The ambassador added, “The Sahrawi leadership calls on the United Nations to assume its responsibilities towards the Sahrawi people and to accelerate the implementation of international legitimacy and international law in the territory of Western Sahara, but at the same time it did not hesitate to resume the armed struggle as a strategic option to change the equation that the Makhzen regime is trying to establish with the support of the Zionist entity.”
Ambassador Abdelkader Taleb Omar added, “The armed struggle is economically costly for the Makhzen regime, and everyone is watching the deterioration of social conditions inside Morocco due to the rise in the armament budget at the expense of the needs of the Moroccan people. If the Makhzen regime initially refused to acknowledge the existence of military operations by the Sahrawi army, it was finally forced to surrender When it announced that it was ready to return to the negotiating table provided that the Polisario Front adhered to the ceasefire.”
The guest of “Illuminations” continued, saying: “There is no alternative today for the Sahrawi people but to move forward with the military struggle, in parallel also with diplomatic work to extract their freedom and rights. We bet strongly on the solidarity and support of sovereign countries such as Algeria and many free people on the African continent and throughout the world.”

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